Saturday, July 11, 2009

Oh boy....

So, I was watching some Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes today and realized something.
I think my first submission of Time makes about as much sense as the movie Space Mutiny; if you don't get this reference, just ask Katherine.
Thanks for all your comments on the first chapter. I think I forgot how hard it is to take criticism about my work. I used to be better at it. Also, I'm used to receiving it in an academic work shop setting and it's kind of a different experience. I decided to start over by getting a feel for the voice of my main character. I feel like she should be older, and per Brant's suggestion, not a massive dose of annoying clumsiness. It might be a while before I re-submit the chapter, I'm trying to be patient with myself. I've gotten farther by writing from the character instead of dictating the story line myself. Thanks again.


  1. I hope we have been of help. Criticism is always hard to hear, and harder to listen to. Addressing critics is something every writer struggles with, and is a skill that must be mastered to succeed as a professional. With time and effort the problems you have now can be overcome and you can learn to tell your story in a way you like. And that is the real key to success: to tell your story in a way you like. Achieve that and you can feel justifiable pride in your work.

  2. I told you, MST3K is a dose of real life in a convenient 90 min package. And as for learning to take criticism, I do believe that after my first criticism, I cried. That is why, at least for the first set of critiques, I ask for general or paragraph by paragraph. It is easier to take in large chunks, and youm have the edits on file to digest later.

    I do think you have the makings of quite an interesting story, and I hope you don't lose the sarcasm that lies underneath. Happy writing.
